Elevate Your Business with NEWTOP’s Win-Win Partnership!
At NEWTOP, we forge strong alliances with authorized distributors, empowering them to sell our products and provide exceptional post-sale support to their customers. Our goal is to enhance their performance, allowing them to achieve remarkable results with ease. Together, we form an unbeatable team!
Our Sales Network :
100+ Agents, 65+ Countries

Elevate Your Biz With Our :
Win-Win Partnership
By becoming a part of the CRAFTOP family, you can enjoy a range of benefits and support that will help drive your business to new heights.

Competitive Product Line
Gain access to our diverse and high-quality agricultural & garden tool product line, enabling you to meet the demands of a wide customer base and stay ahead of the competition.

Marketing Support
distributors and CRAFTOP agents will benefit from our comprehensive marketing support by levels, including marketing materials, campaigns, and promotional activities at joint exhibition, empowering you to effectively promote and sell CRAFTOP products while increasing brand visibility.

Training and Support
Take advantage of our extensive training programs, equipping you with the necessary knowledge and skills to represent and sell CRAFTOP products with confidence.

After-sales Support
Rest assured that we provide prompt and reliable after-sales support and service to your customers, enhancing your credibility and fostering long-term customer loyalty.

Co-marketing Opportunities
Collaborate with us on joint marketing initiatives, trade shows, or events, leveraging our collective strengths to expand reach and generate increased brand exposure.

Competitive Pricing and Incentives
For VIP level distributors and CRAFTOP EXCLUSIVE agents, we hope you enjoy the competitive pricing structures and attractive incentives we specially offered, such as discounts, bonuses, and commission structures.

Exclusive Territories
We offer exclusive territories to SENIOR level distributors and CRAFTOP EXCLUSIVE agents and ensure that you have a defined market to operate in, allowing you to maximize your potential without direct competition from fellow partners.

Continuous Innovation and Product Development
Stay at the forefront of the industry by partnering with CRAFTOP, a brand committed to continuous innovation and product development. Benefit from regular introductions of new products, innovative features, and improved versions to offer your customers the latest solutions.
Why Choose NEWTOP?
Time-Honored Brand
Over decades, NEWTOP revolutionizes agricultural and gardening tools.
Annual Capacity
Stable machinery supplier in the fields of agriculture, gardening and civil marine.
Product Lines
Wide popular products, for pros, semi-pros, and home gardeners. There’s always one for you.
Trusted by millions, NEWTOP machines are popular through 65 countries.
WIN-WIN Partnership
Over hundred agents joined in our WIN-WIN partnership and benefit from it.
Competitive Price
Exclusive agents and distributor benefit a lot from our competitive pricing mechanism.
26+ Certificates, including ISO9001-2000, meet the standards of CE, GS, EURO II, EPA.
Quality Assured
100% ex-factory quality check, ensuring the quality of each cargo.
NEWTOP’s innovation journey continues with more patents and products to be expected.
Ready To Join? Leave us a message!
Ce que disent nos clients

Иван Иванович Иванов (Russie)
Nous coopérons avec Newtop depuis près de 10 ans et avons été témoins de la croissance de Newtop, d'une petite entreprise à une entreprise bien connue dans l'industrie des machines de jardin. Le plus précieux est que leur attention à la qualité des produits et à leur attitude en matière de service reste inchangée. Nous continuerons à coopérer activement avec Newtop et à développer ensemble le marché russe.

Sergio Romero (Argentine)
Nous avons fondé Shanghai Newtop en 2011, nous voulons faire du OEM au tout début, mais nous avons changé les choses après avoir examiné le statut de leur usine, y compris les équipements, les appareils de mesure et les processus, etc. Newtop peut toujours nous réserver des surprises inattendues, nous avons donc finalement signé un accord d'agence avec Newtop, devenez l'agent unique de CRAFTOP en Argentine. CRAFTOP est devenue la célèbre marque de scies à chaîne grâce aux efforts combinés de Newtop et de nous.

Léandro (Brésil)
Nous sommes tombés par hasard sur une entreprise de machines de jardinage lors d'une exposition et nous avons essayé de discuter avec eux, ce fut une négociation inoubliable. Les ventes de Newtop dégagent un enthousiasme contagieux pour tout ce qu'ils font, tout comme notre dynamique Samba. La première coopération est réussie, la qualité des produits a également été validée lors de l'examen de l'usine, cela fait maintenant de nombreuses années que nous travaillons ensemble.

Rodríguez (Pérou)
Newtop et moi nous sommes rencontrés à la Foire de Canton, leur professionnalisme et leur gentillesse m'ont laissé une très bonne impression. Ils ont répondu patiemment à mes questions, et m'ont donné de nombreux conseils pratiques de promotion du marketing africain, je fais toujours confiance à Newtop.
Join us in creating a prosperous future together. Together, we can build a strong and sustainable business partnership that drives success and exceeds customer expectations.